Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Crown Salads

This may be a contender for the shortest blog post ever. Basically all we did today was school work and go to class, which I guess is what we’re supposed to be doing. I had to go to class earlier than Lauren so she agreed to pack lunch for us and bring it to me later. With one class out of the way, we met in the International Lounge to enjoy our lunch. Then we headed off to the library to catch up on a few things. That's when we realized that I still had to get my anthropology book from the copy shop so we changed directions to go stand in a pretty long line. We got done in just enough time for Lauren to go to class. Once she got out we headed straight to Coles to pick up our groceries for the next couple of days. We had plans to make chicken salad for dinner, but Lauren still had one more class to go to. During Lauren’s tutorial she sat through an hour presentation from one of the students. She will have to present during week 7 on United States history and how it has impacted the education system. The topic won’t be hard for her because she comes from the United States and knows a lot about education, obviously, but she’s a little worried about the time limit. An hour, possibly two hours is a long time to talk! After Lauren got out of her tutorial, not to mention a little early, we booked it back to the apartments quick to make dinner before I had to go back to the University for a free massage.

Ignore the peace sign!
I know you're jealous of our salads Mama!

 Needless to say the massage wasn't exactly what I expected because instead of getting a massage it was a class on how to give a good massage. Because the class was oddly numbered I first had the instructor as my partner, meaning I had to be in front of the whole class! But sadly, another person came in late and I had to pair up with them. The class itself was very informative and fun, allowing me to learn a lot. We mainly focused on the head and neck, but if I were to complete the rest of the course I could learn about the whole body. After class was done I headed to the library to meet up with Lauren so we could walk back together. She had been trying to do some reading for her class on Wednesday that she had just found out about. The rest of evening was spent doing homework and class readings, as well as relaxing.     

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