Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do you know where the BBQ is? Baw-bee-cue?!

Second day of orientation flew by a lot quicker. Once we arrived on campus we were handed packets and drawstring bags with Sydney shirts in them and filed into the auditorium room. This packet had our approved classes as well as our enrolled classes for the semester and it was like high school all over again. We were both enrolled in four classes and seem to have two classes together! We were then split into smaller groups with our country's adviser and instructed on how to complete our enrolment forms, switch classes, and upload an appropriate picture for our campus ID card - you cannot smile. We were dismissed and told we would be walked to the International Welcome BBQ. Turns out, our adviser didn't know the location of the BBQ and we were left to find it ourselves. Luckily there was a Chinese guy with an 'Ask Me' pin on his shirt so we stopped and asked him "Do you know where the BBQ is?" His response you may ask, "Baw-bee-cue" (In Chinese confused voice) followed by uncontrollable laughing like that was the funniest question ever. Creeped out we slowly walked away to find the BBQ on our own. Riley could not contain his laughter over how funny it was to him. We followed the crowd over to the BBQ and upon arrival was handed a piece of bread. Then another Aussie put a sausage on the bread and that was that. We don't know if this is a BBQ to them, but obviously our American background had us hoping for hamburgers and hotdogs. Riley didn't mind the sausage drenched in barbeque sauce though and got seconds! We sat with one of the University of Sydney Student Ambassadors who gave us a couple of tips about the university and surrounding areas like where to get the best foods, or what places to stay away from. Turns out he is the vice president on the photography club on campus and quickly convinced us to attend one of their workshops on how to use our camera more efficiently. Then it was off to the International Lounge to wait for our free day tour of the Sydney Harbour. While waiting we met a guy named Rico (who had his name tattooed on his lower forearm) from the Netherlands, Ben from Texas and some girl which a strong accent from Finland/Scotland. Soon enough we were loaded onto a bus and on our way to the Harbour. Seeing a glimpse of water out the bus window was exciting for both of us. We got out and gathered in front of this sign.

We walked down the boardwalk and right around the corner...

BAM! Sydney Opera House!

Pano Pic of the Opera House, Bridge, and some random boat!

The tour guide said this was Australia's version of Disney World! Creepy entrance though...

Just us being typical tourist!

When Lauren gets back to the states, please ask her about the lights in Sydney.
She could not stop talking about the lights!

Thought this was ironic! Where I should  be and where I am now! 

Walking the bridge (not actually us). Something we will be doing very very soon! 

The tour ended and they left us stranded. Luckily, We have used the public transportation to get around Sydney before, so finding our way back was easy peasy. Once we arrived back, it was time to do a couple more inspections.. which ran a little late into the night and into the international party time. starving, we had to find some food and what better place than Dominos! It was a lot longer journey than we had expected, but pizza is worth any walk. We made it to Dominos to find a big line waiting at the door. Maybe Dominos is as popular in Australia as it is in the states, but no it was 5.90 traditional pizza day.. which meant ham and pineapple it was! With pizza in hand and walking down the street, many people didn't hesitate to give a little stare. It must be something that doesn't happen often. We finally arrived at the international party two hours late, but it didn't make a difference.. the place was still POPPIN! The music was so loud we could hardly hear another talking. Once we made it to the dance floor we were slightly disappointed to find that hardly anyone was dancing. If you remember the kids dancing in Charlie Brown you will know what I am talking about. Once we got on the dance floor everyone started to move ;) it was crazy! The DJ wasn't as good as we would have hoped since he played one song all the way through, waiting for it to end before starting another. We're used to DJs mixing songs together to continually have music going. However, the hosts for the night were pretty funny and offered dance competitions to give away free trips to places in Australia. Tooheys New. Thankfully we didn't give it a go because those people were getting down! The night had to end sometime and with it getting late we left the party and started our journey back to the hostel. But don't worry, we are street smart and walked in well lit-up, populated areas.

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