Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Final Destination

Finally being in Sydney, Australia makes the last 3 months of preparations and one long plane ride all worth it, although the plane ride was tough to endure at times. We were lucky enough to not have any delays, so smooth sailing on that part, along with our choice of dinner - Wendy's at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport is highly recommended! In addition we would also highly recommend Quantas airlines. The supper at 11 o'clock at time was delicious as well as the breakfast around 5 AM. Not like we could sleep that whole time in between, but we did enjoy a free movie along with a few Big Bang Theory episodes! We both originally sat next to Sydney natives who shared some of their wisdom and tips for us.
The highlight of the trip was actually getting our first stamp in our visas! Next it was onto finding the shuttle bus which would take us to our hostel. Needless to say the shuttle ride was almost as bumpy as the plane ride since we had to get used to riding on the other side of the road. Come to find out we live with no Australians but rather all French people. We spent the rest of the day relaxing on the rooftop and exploring a small part of the city. We stumbled upon a supermarket which is right down the street from the hostel so we'll be able to cook more than we thought, as well as save money!

P.S.  We have come to a conclusion that:

 ~ Internet is a luxury around here. There are shops all around the city designated to Internet.
 ~ None of the shops have front doors since its like 75 degrees here!
 ~ And a bottle of sunscreen is 23.95.

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