Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Watch your back. There’s an Emu about!

Today we got to leave Sydney and head to the Blue Mountains with Extreme Adventures who put on a day trip for the exchange students at University of Sydney. Like all other days we had to leave the hostel super early in order to catch the bus leaving the university at 8:30. Once we arrived at the meet up location we also met people from the Boston area, and Lauren finally got to meet up with another Lauren who coincidentally is also from ECU in North Carolina! Then it was off to the first stop on the trip, the Wentworth Falls

Mommy – this is the largest and prettiest waterfall I have ever seen. Definitely a place you will have to come to someday! Even the tour guides said this was the most water they had ever seen come down due to the heavy rainfall the night before.

The next destination was a visit to the Three Sisters, not before a stop in a gift shop though where we were in awe of the life-size koala bear!

We could have had a lot more fun with the koala bears, but it was time to pay a visit to the Three Sisters.

Story be told that the three sisters fell in love with three boys from another tribe. This was strictly forbidden so the girls decided to run away. When the father found out about this he summoned the power to turn them into stone. If you look to the left of the first sister you can see the path that we walked to get up close and personal.

When Lauren wasn’t looking I was able to touch one of the Three Sisters.

Now its off to the real journey, taking 900 steps down the path to potentially take the trolley back up to the top of the canyon. The steps were so steep and slippery from the rainfall that people started falling one by one.

By the way, while hiking in Australia you should always expect the unexpected.

Like a fallen tree in the middle of the wet, slippery path. Hikers had previously warned us of the fallen tree but obviously the advice went in one ear and out another. Knowing there was no turning back we slowly but surely all crossed over the tree, with many white shoes turned to brown. We not only had trees to worry about but also the deadly creatures that lurked in the wetland…leeches! There were one too many scenes that resembled Lauren wailing her arms like Olive Oil from Popeye, while shouting “Riley, get it off!” Luckily we have no pictures of leeches, but we should have gotten one of the massive leech that latched onto one guy from Morocco almost the whole trip. 900 steps deep we found out the trolley to take us up was not in service due to more fallen trees so it was another 900 killer steps up! We now have buns of steel!

Zoo Time! But we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

We walked into the zoo and thought we saw kangaroos just roaming around, but they turned out to be wallabys Still equally as adorable though! 

This was a photogenic wallaby. Pretty sure he has had his picture taken many of times by now!

But apparently this wallaby like Riley more!

You know, just turtles doing what turtles do best.  

Do you see a rock or a wombat?

These pelicans freaked Lauren out by how fake but real they were!
Also, do not try and feed a pelican, it is a life changing experience.

Just living the life of a Koala!

One of my goals in Australia was to touch a koala bear.. and I succeeded in the first week!

I think me and this koala could become good friends!
He decided to be photogenic
 after we were done touching him. 
He just decided to photogenic. 
Now it was off to Kangaroo Country!
Just like a dog, I got him to sit and beg for a treat!

Well, We thought it was Kangaroo Country.. not attack of the Emu!

At the end of the feeding, we thought we would be nice and give the cone to the kangaroo...

.. but the emu had other intentions!

Riley finally believed Lauren that there are Flying Fox Bats! 

The whole crew decided to get a picture at the end of a long, tiring, and exciting day. 

 Oh yea, we about forgot to add this guy in here..








I'm sexy and I know it!


  1. I think you should bring back the gaint koala bear. LOL

    1. No one ever said I could spell. Giant.
