Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'm on a roll!

We had been off of school for two days now and with Fiji just around the corner our to-do list was getting bigger. We still had laundry to do, final plans to make about the last day there, and money to exchange. First on our list was of course the library though since we still had a lot of work to get done, papers for both of us so we spent a long time getting that done. Riley also wanted to finalize a time to skype with his mom. We always set deadlines for ourselves but when other things pop up it is sometimes hard to stick to that time. I was able to talk to my Dad and both my sisters, Tiff and Leah, on facebook so that was time well spent to me! We left the library when it was still light outside so that was plus, but mainly because today was the day that Riley was going to get a haircut! We headed down George Street and headed into a barber shop with a nice student discount. One of the hairdressers had a similar haircut to what Riley wanted so I thought he would be perfect for the job but Riley was instead stuck with an older Italian looking guy. Riley was a little disappointed with our short he cut the hair, even though we had brought a picture to show the guy what Riley wanted it to look like. We both know that the hair will grow out soon enough and next time he will just tell the hairdresser to only cut the sides and leave the rest on top. I reassured Riley that it looked great, but he is still tired of having the same old look. Walking back towards Broadway we passed the Markets that we had gone into yesterday, and we were looking for some fresh, cheap produce. We were successful in getting a rockmelon for 1.50 which is actually really really juicy and perfect size for the both of us since we each other a half. Riley had a small box of strawberries for a dollar and we also got 5 bananas for over a dollar! That is way cheaper than we would usually spend on produce at Coles, so that is somewhere that we will go again! It was leftover night tonight so that we could get rid of everything in the fridge before we left for Fiji, so dinner was easy. We still had a little bit of school work to catch up on so I pulled up a chair on the balcony and was writing as it started to pour outside. It was nice to be able to see it though, especially since it had cooled off a lot throughout the day. We got sucked into watching some TV and actually made it through the whole movie of the Interpreter which creeped me out a little (at one point I had shrunk all the way down on the couch and hid behind Riley’s leg) but I made it all the way through. We had saved enough money in the past few days so we splurged on McDonald’s ice creams, or that was the hope anyways. But of course Maccas didn’t have ice cream tonight. We ended up getting fries and apple pies to save for later to have with ice cream. Have we mentioned that Australians do not care about playing monopoly? Plus they leave their trash everywhere on the tables so that means a lot of monopoly pieces that haven’t been pulled off. We successfully pulled off two instant winners which meant two free movie rentals for us! That was quite exciting for Lauren since it was one of the first time she has pulled off a winner! She felt like Ms. Hot Stuff pulling those winning coupons off! Once the monopoly commotion was over, we headed back upstairs to eat our warm apple pies with our vanilla ice-cream. Delicious.         

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