Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why would they advertise for another garden?

 We woke up early today so we could make sure we could get to church on time. We were more than excited to head to church today since it has been over two weeks since we’ve been! Once we arrived at church, we noticed a couple of our friends in the pews around us, but unfortunately mass had already started so we couldn’t move around. After church we immediately met up our friend Molly to head to the Botanical Gardens for a so called festival. The festival was supposed to include food and music so we were more than excited! We headed to Central Station so we could catch the 555 bus, which is the free shuttle bus, but like all other days the bus pulled off right when we rounded the corner. However, we noticed a small little festival setting up right behind our bus stop so we thought we would check it out since we had to wait for the next bus anyways. As we made our way through the family day festival, we noticed that most of the writing was in another language. Maybe it was family day for the Orientals or something, but they did have one cool thing! We think it’s a watermelon!


Since we couldn’t read any of the signs we decided to head back to the bus station to again wait for the 555 bus. We’re beginning to realize that we cannot trust the public transportation here sometimes. It was another 45 minute wait for the free bus to arrive and drop us off at the gardens. After the long wait, Molly, Lauren and I were ready to get to the Botanical Gardens to experience the festival that they had planned. We arrived to see a sign that said the event was being held from 10am to 4pm today, but we didn’t hear any music or see anyone with food, so we were kind of confused. We walked through the Botanical Gardens for about 15 minutes until we decided to go to the gift shop to ask about the festival. Unfortunately we received some bad news. Apparently they were advertising events for other gardens that were over 50 kilometers away. Frustrated and disappointed, we decided to just go and eat lunch out by the water. With more on our agenda for the day we didn’t stay long, but rather ate quickly and then left the gardens to go catch the 555 bus again. We wanted to go back in the direction we came so we thought we were smart in crossing the street and waiting at a bus station across from where we got off. We sat and waited for another 15 minutes before we decided that it was pointless to wait for the free bus. We all decided to walk to George Street since it would be faster than any other bus anyways. Soon we made it to Paddy’s Markets which we had been waiting to take Molly to for a long time. It was almost like a kid in a candy store for Molly. She wanted to stop at every shop and examine all of the souvenirs! She was just as amazed about the awesome prices as we were the first time that we came! But, we all knew that we had homework to get done before the day was over so we had to press on to get our fruits and vegetables. We had been told by several people that the best day to buy their produce was on Sundays which that’s the last business day for the markets, but I don’t really see the point. Most of the good fruit had been taken at this point and the prices weren’t really marked down that much. Maybe we would have to wait to get it within the last hour or something, but then there would be no good fruit left. We were all satisfied with the good prices anyways and got heaps of produce for the prices that we paid. That unfortunately ended our adventures for the day since we were all promising ourselves to get school work done.

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