Monday, May 27, 2013
Starbucks date
I don’t think either of us wanted to get out of beds this
morning but Riley wanted to go ahead and get his class out of the way. I, on
the other hand, took my time getting ready and doing as I pleased. I packed a
lunch and Frisbee though in hopes that we could give a throw whenever I met up
with Riley in Victoria Park for lunch. It was a lot windier outside than I
thought and we settled on swinging instead. Unfortunately, we didn’t last long
since I figured I should read over my final papers one last time before I
printed them off to turn them in. After today I am officially done with my
International Education class, meaning I only have one more class to worry
about which is a great feeling. I really do pity Riley who has to worry about
two exams still. My teacher for this class is so wishy washy it seems since he
randomly moved the tutorial time to 3 o’clock instead of 4 o’clock which meant
that only two people showed up since barely anyone comes to the lecture anyways
where he announced the changed time. That meant they didn’t get the memo about
the moved tutorial. I thought we’d be getting out of there early since the
other presenter didn’t show up, but he made sure to sweep in at the last
minute. I had plans to meet up with my other teacher to discuss the final
project in her class since I was beyond confused on how to approach it. I felt
a lot better about it after leaving her office which was a relief since there
are only two grades for that class. Riley was busy cooking delicious barbeque
sandwiches for us, which is nice to have dinner ready after class for me. We
must have done some strenuous sitting in class today though because we were
both starving and the sandwiches and rice side just didn’t fill us up. That
meant Riley cooked some noodles which he scarfed down, before we decided that
having a big bowl of ice cream would finish us off. That was by far one of the
best dinners that we have had since we both love ice cream! I haven’t been
feeling good lately and we joke that I’m coming down with the Sydney Flu as
well with my stuffy nose so I asked Riley to be my Starbucks date for the
night. This is the first time that we’ve had Starbucks while in Australia,
which may come as a shocker to my mom. I know she couldn’t have lasted this
long ;) We grabbed the laptop and made it a purposeful date by catching up on
these blogs. So go ahead and imagine us sitting in the corner of a Starbucks
with a caramel hot chocolate in my hand and an iced mocha in Riley’s hand
typing us these blogs and looking through the East Coast Australia Lonely
Planet book in hopes to plan out our next adventure to the Great Barrier Reef.
I’d say that was a successful date! With the night being so rainy we plan on
making it another movie night! Riley trusts in my movie picking skills since
Wreck it Ralph was so good, but I’m thinking about making him suffer through
the Notebook since he’s managed to escape it for two years now! Muahahaha.
We really hit the jack pot that time!
We haven’t seen our one friend Molly in quite some time, but
we were determined to finally hang out again and today was the day. We were
planning to meet up at Paddy’s Markets since she hasn’t been bad since we
showed her the first time. The meet up time kept changing but eventually we
were in the same vicinity without really knowing where each other were.
Choosing to meet up at the markets was a bad idea since the place is always
packed on Sundays! That being said we got the fruits and veggies that we needed
and got out of there. Molly had the idea of finally finding where China Town
was so we followed along. We had seen a statue or rather an archway that looked
like it belonged in ChinaTown and turns out we had been right. We just hadn’t
noticed when we went by because we were looking for cheap little shop, but
really this China Town just consists of food. We were a little disappointed by
this, but now we can at least say we know where China Town is. We had gotten
eggs at the market and didn’t want to bring those to the beach with us so we
had to back track and drop those off before we headed off to Maroubra Beach. It
was trash day Sunday and we were hoping to find some cool new treasures, so our
hopes were high. We jumped off the bus once we saw water and were amazed to see
our first patch of surfers! The waves were the biggest we had ever seen, even
from the first time when it was windy as can be!
Okay, so those weren’t actually the waves we saw, but that’s
what it looked like to us! We were definitely content with watching the
surfers, but we also knew that we were on a mission. We walked through a few
neighborhoods but didn’t see anything interesting and realized that we probably
got really lucky the first time that we came to Maroubra. Plus, I think we were
both worried about running into a bunch of Bra Boys after watching the
documentary – yes, Australia used to have gangs too. We figured we’d have more
fun watching the surfers so we headed back to catch a good show and eat some
shelled peanuts. There were a few good surfers out there that weren’t afraid to
get up and ride a few waves, but it seemed like the majority were just there to
wade in the water. Once it got dark we caught the bus back to change before we
went to Neill’s again for another game night. Usually Neill likes to relax on
Sundays but he had agreed to play with us since he probably missed playing as
much as we did. We started off by playing another round of 7 Wonders, but this
time with the extension. Neill got really lucky and got the most powerful city
card so he dominated that game. He even had the courage to try and tell Riley
that he had messed up on counting the night before and might not have actually
won since Neill had taken a picture of the game after we finished. Riley and I
thought this was hilarious since Neill usually boasts about how he never loses
– maybe he’s a sore loser! ;) We all
started to trash talk each other after that, but didn’t matter once Neill
started his domination. We also played two games of Cluedo, one of which that
Lauren won! This was obviously our lucky weekend. But we had to cut the night
short since none of us had eaten dinner and our stomachs were growling. Of
course we picked the one thing that took the longest to cook – snags. That just
meant they were that much more delicious when we finally ate them though!
Mark this down in the history books
With nothing do to on a Saturday, and with the weather being
perfect, we decided that today would be the day that we ventured off to the
famous Luna Park. We got ready and debated many ways of which we could get
there – ferry, train, bus – but we decided that we would walk to day, which
meant we would be walking across the Sydney Harbor Bridge! This has been
something that has been on our Sydney bucket list for a while, so we were more
than happy to finally be able to mark it off.
So it was off to Circular Quay, where we would start our hike across the
bridge. We cheated a little and took the free bus to Circular Quay, but
nonetheless we made it there. Our next goal to conquer was one we thought would
be easy – How do we get on the bridge? Well, let me tell you, it is a lot harder
than you may think since the streets leading up to the bridge are as swirly as
a maze! Yet, we finally made it to the footpath that would take us across the
bridge. We also found out the place where we had to meet up at to do the actual
bridge climb. As we made our way across the bridge, Laruen was very eager to
see what was over the edge, but the walls were a little too high so she
couldn’t quite see; it was rather cute. When we finally made it to the main
part of the bridge, there was a fence that gave us the view of everything! If
you’re asking, yes, we did get pictures of the Opera House from our point of
And if you think that is scary, go ahead and
Google Luna Park to see what the original sign looked like! We made our way through
the mouth of the guy to finally see what Luna Park looked like. Let’s just say
it’s not very big, since it basically consists of one road that only had a
couple of rides. We did manage to find the bumper cars though, and bumper cars
here compared to America are ten times different. The Australian version
consists of cars going around a track, counter-clockwise in an orderly manner
while the American version consists of every man for themselves. We also
managed to see the oldest part of Luna Park which is Coney Island. They still
had the original slides that had been there when the park opened in 1935! We
saw a couple more rides before we decided to have lunch shore side. It was
really peaceful to just sit and listen to the wave’s crash against the rocks.
After lunch, we decided that we had seen pretty much all of Luna Park’s one
strip of road, so we wanted to check out the gift shop before we left. The gift
shop was pretty scary as well considering all the stuffed dolls they had! After
the gift shop, we made our way back since we had church later on that night. We
passed the markets as they were closing down, so we decided to take a look.
Lauren found a couple tops that she is looking forward to wearing once she gets
back to the US. Soon, we were heading back across the bridge to catch the 555
free bus to make it to church. Just in the nick of time, we made it just before
service started! It was nice to go back to church since it had been a while
since the last time we had been! Although church was nice, we were excited to
head back because it was board game night with Neill! It had also been a while
since we played board games with Neill, but we were more than ready to play
again! Since he has a lot of board games, we decided to play a new one: 7
Wonders à ranked #1 board game of 2010. It was a tough
game to grasp in the beginning, but once we got the hang of it, it was easy
peasy! It was a really intense game that involved quite a bit of strategy! We
were able to play it twice (I surprisingly won the 2nd game!) before
we had to head back to our places for dinner. It was going to be another good
dinner night since we were having chicken parmesan again!
We finally made it across the bridge, only to be greeted by
a bunch of people trying to sell us things. Obviously it was market day on the
other side of the bridge! I walked up to the first table where a guy was
selling ‘sharp steak knives’ and he asked to see my finger, I said no and just
walked away after that. They were also selling a bunch of food, but we decided
not to get any since our main goal was to find Luna Park. After passing a
couple more stalls, we finally found the main street again which led us straight
to the scary entrance of Luna Park!
We’re starting our business!
I woke up earlier than normal and decided to get some
laundry done. Lauren soon woke up and combined her pile to mine to make it one
big pile. It was easy to see that I was the one doing laundry today! I think
the real reason that she dropped off her clothes is because she had a Skype
date with her family. It only lasted an hour or so before we met back up and
were both starving! We had the typical breakfast of champions which consisted
of cereal and toast – I know, so nutritious! Once our bellies were full, we
decided to head to the library, finally not for my papers, but for Lauren’s
International Education papers which were fast approaching! Like always, she
was a speedy typer because she managed to get one of the papers done! I am
always amazed how fast she does them, especially since they are all always so
good! While Lauren typed her papers, I decided that I would look up more
recipes that I could cook when I get back. I say this because at the moment, I
do not have an oven – which really stinks! Most of our day was spent at the
library, but we soon had to head back since we knew we had more laundry to do.
One the way back, we came to a conclusion that Autumn and Winter are the rainy
seasons for Australia, because for the past couple days it seems we have been
caught walking in the rain! We arrived back with our clothes slightly damp, and
our stomachs rumbling. Earlier in the day, our friend Neill had invited us to
go out to dinner and see Vivid Sydney with him and a couple of friends, but we sadly
had to decline since we are planning on seeing Vivid for the first time while
we are doing the bridge climb! While we ate our spaghetti and garlic bread that
we prepared for dinner, we decided that we would watch a rugby match that was
on the TV. We actually debated on whether we wanted to go and actually watch
the game or not, but luckily we didn’t since it was down pouring! For dessert,
we decided to make something that can only be found at fairs in the US – deep
fired Oreos and Snickers! Oh were they just delicious! We had to send a picture
to our friend Molly, since we joked about this while at the Easter festival
because they had no fried food what-so-ever! We enjoyed the rest of the night
eating our sweets while watching the rest of the rugby match!
Man, I’m getting old
The one morning that I had something up my sleeve is the one
morning that Riley decides to wake up early. I had to sneak around and get on
skype with his mom so that we could surprise him at 7:52 AM and say Happy
Birthday since that is officially the time he was born. That surprise was
slightly ruined, but I know that Riley was still excited to see his mom, even
though we apparently looked like aliens through skype since the connection was
so bad. Riley had recently just gotten a potato cookbook and had spotted a
recipe for potato cakes, so you can probably figure out what we were having for
his birthday breakfast. The recipe turned out to be a lot harder than we
thought and decided that hash browns would be a better idea to go with our
three course breakfast. We took the morning easy until we realized that we
didn’t want to be wasting the special day away. Riley was about to be a free
man once he turned in his last final paper of the semester! We had planned on
using our passes to go to the Sydney Wildlife center especially since it was
all rainy outside but with it already being past 1 o’clock we thought we’d wait
on that so we didn’t have to rush through it. Instead we made the quick
decision to go to IKEA and browse around since that’s one of our favorite
places. Even though we weren’t hungry we ate the lunch that we packed, but looking
back we wish we wouldn’t have. It actually made us even more full from the
three course breakfast and prevented us from getting hungry for dinner. To kill
time we headed back to finish watching a movie that we had started the night
before, Wreck it Ralph. With it being all rainy outside it was the perfect
afternoon activity. Plus, it turned out to be a great movie and usually Riley
doesn’t like animated ones. The movie finished in just enough for us to head
out to trivia but unfortunately we got a text from our friend Neill saying that
he wasn’t going to be able to make it out to trivia. This was a little
disappointing since we always look forward to this particular trivia night, but
we understood. Plus that meant we could go to dinner like we had planned and
not have to wait until 10 o’clock to eat. However, we weren’t even hungry but
rather just knew we had to pick a place before everything closed. Riley was set
on just having home cooked spaghetti but I was not going to let that happen. He
finally decided on this chicken place down Glebe Point Rd that is seriously amazing,
plus they give you an over abundant amount of fries. Unfortunately, when we got
there the place was already closed even though their website said they were
open until 8:30 PM. This really upset Riley since he was looking forward to it,
meaning no other place sounded appetizing – not even Dominoes pizza. We walked
down the road to see if anything else jumped out at him, but I figured it was
probably a lost cause. We finally decided that I could just cook up some
delicious chicken sandwiches for us topped with mayo, barbeque sauce,
pineapple, green pepper, cheese and lettuce. I would say they were a nice
alternative to going out. Plus we had an appetizer of shelled peanuts and a
picture of his mom in hopes to symbolize her being there with us. This was the
first birthday she has missed with Riley so it was the least I could do.
I attempted to make a cake but it just didn’t turn out like
a wanted even though Riley was a fan of it. I just couldn’t let his birthday
pass without giving it a shot though. To top things off for the day, Riley got
his surprise package from his mom that was long awaited for. It contained lots
of cards from home which I thought was a great way to remind Riley about his
friends and family back home. I also had to break the surprise and tell him
about his birthday present from his mom – a Bridge Climb. I had been planning
with her and although the date for his birthday was booked, we’d be doing the
Bridge Climb on Tuesday! He was like a little kid in a candy shop opening all
those cards, but I was happy for him! Birthdays only come once a year!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
This is why I never wait for you
Somehow we are always late for our first class on
Wednesdays, no matter how early we wake up, but that was not going to happen
today. We successfully made it out the door in time to leisurely walk to the
university. Once again I had a mix up of what room my class was going to be in,
but all the rest of my classmates were in the room from last week so I figured
I was in the right place. Fifteen minutes into class we were starting to wonder
where the teacher was until another student came and told us that she was
waiting in the classroom on the second floor! Well, that meant class was going
to be a little shorter for the day, plus she had to leave early to go to a
meeting. Riley wasn’t so luck with his class, but he was lucky enough to finish
his paper. He had been working diligently for the past few days to get the
paper done before his birthday. Maybe it helped that I bought him his favorite
candy bar here, a Mars bar, to wake him up and keep him going. Let’s just say I
had a lot of time on my hands since Riley had class all day and I was already
done. That didn’t mean I was going to just sit there and twiddle my thumbs
though; I had some birthday shopping to do. I lollygagged for a little bit of
the afternoon since it was cloudy and rainy outside, until I realized that the
markets that I wanted to go to closed at 5 o’clock. I was planning to take a
run anyways but now it just meant I was running in the rain to make it there on
time. I had to get green pepper for dinner, since we go through those like they’re
about to disappear of the face of the planet, as well as some birthday
presents. I had decided to get Riley an Australian decorated oven mitt since he
is really into cooking now along with a few other knick knacks. I also had to
pick up some roasted peanuts like those found at Texas Steakhouse since that is
where Riley goes every year for his birthday with his mom. His mom and I had
been planning for quite some time about what to do for his birthday and that
was one of the ideas we had come up with. I got there right as the markets were
closing, but that didn’t mean they were going to stop selling to me, which I
was glad for! Then I had to rush to the shopping center to get ingredients for
a cake that I was planning to make for Riley before we met up after his class
was over. I was a busy little bee, but a quiet one since I had to keep it from
Friday, May 24, 2013
It's a 3 minute walk, you can't miss it!
With Sydney Adventure coupons to use, we thought it would be
a perfect day to visit Manly Sea Life, which was just a small version of the
Sydney Aquarium. This was the perfect place to go since we both wanted a relax
day plus it was cloudy outside, so going to the Sydney Eye was a definite no for the day. We got ready and headed out the door, only to go get a bus pass since we
have been using them like crazy! We then headed to the bus stop where we did
our normal thing: watch every bus except for the bus that we need stop in front of us. It
seems that this is a never ending battle with the Sydney buses Our correct
bus finally arrived and soon we were off the Manly Sea Life. When we arrived,
instead of looking around, we decided to just go to the information desk to ask
where the aquarium was. Turns out it was just to our left, and if we would
have literally just turned our heads slightly, we would have seen it. Oh well!
We walked over to this extremely small building, and I think we both were thinking the same thing – how could an aquarium type of thing fit in here? Well, we both
can say that it was a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside since it had three floors! We stayed on the first floor for a little bit, looking at all the
different types of fish.
After we watched all of the fish do what they do best – swim – we went down two floors to check out the underwater tunnel. It was pretty much like the Sydney Aquarium, but maybe just a little smaller. Yet, they had animals which we had both never seen before… sea turtles!
They were all
rescue turtles, some which would be released back into the wild and some that
would live the rest of their life at the aquarium. Our tour started promptly at
3 o’ clock and only lasted about 15 minutes, which was kind of disappointing.
Our tour guide showed us all of the different animals that they have there,
including the stingrays which were the size of a queen size mattress! She also
told us about the sea turtles and why some would have to stay at the aquarium.
One turtle named Myrtle, had gotten her shell broken. Manly Sea Life Crew was
able to keep her shell back together so she could swim again, but during this
process her shell filled with air so when she went to swim again, all the air
moved to the back of her shell making her butt sit straight in the air.
Luckily, they made a belt that balanced Myrtle out so she could swim normally. For this reason though, she will not be able to be released into the wild since the belt could come off or get caught on something. After we left the underwater tunnel, we noticed on our timetable sheet that the
Manly crew would be feeding the little penguins, and this was a must see! We
made our way to the third floor where the penguins were and surprisingly, those
little penguins were extremely loud! They are actually the loudest penguins of
the penguin family! The noise became even worse when the food came out! We
watched them feed the penguins and soon they were all swimming again, making the noise levels much more bearable. We headed back to the first floor since another feeding was taking place at 3:30. The lady started feeding
the fish, saying that they would probably go crazy, but nothing happened.
Lauren and I came to a conclusion that all of these fish were lazy! Shortly
after, we decided that we had seen everything that Manly Sea Life had to offer,
so we headed to the main strip to browse a couple stores. We came across a
store that had Mike ‘n Ikes for a dollar, so you know Lauren couldn’t pass on
the deal. With no other stores that looked too interesting, we decided to head
back since I had another paper that was due on Thursday. We arrived home, ate
dinner, and relaxed while I wrote my paper.
The most venomous fish next to the stone fish! |
First ever unicorn fish! |
After we watched all of the fish do what they do best – swim – we went down two floors to check out the underwater tunnel. It was pretty much like the Sydney Aquarium, but maybe just a little smaller. Yet, they had animals which we had both never seen before… sea turtles!
Also well as the creepiest fish we have ever seen, Cuttle fish. |
Nobody can resist the smell of Subway!
Today was going to be a late day to sleep in because Lauren
had to catch up from her weekend and I had to catch up from my relaxing
weekend. I was going to go to my 10 am class, but I came to a conclusion that
it was too early and decided that I would go to my 4 pm alternative class.
Lauren finally woke up just in time to get ready and make it to her first
class. While Lauren was in class, I had to continue working on my Asian
Cultures paper that was due on my birthday… I know, how convenient! During
Lauren’s break, we decided to mix things up today and break away from the
classic PB&J and have Subway for lunch. Although they do not have 5 dollar
footlongs, we were able to settle for a $7.45 footlong which was just as good!
Of course we don’t get a turkey or a ham sub, but we get a pizza sub so you
know you’re dealing with Lauren and Riley! Lunch was delicious, but we had to
get some shopping done at Coles for the week ahead, so we headed down stairs.
We got all of our groceries, but had to run them back to our places since we
were running out of time before our next class! Lauren had an interesting class
because she had to sit though half the movie “City of God”, which apparently was
about sex, drugs, and killing. This was because the only two students who were
supposed present didn’t show up. This also meant that Lauren got out of class
early! After class, we met up and made dinner together which consisted of
grilled chicken sandwiches. Needless to say they were delicious!
"Gonna have to hang by your hands for that"
Myriah and I were able
to get in a morning routine with each other and successfully be out the door
on time. We had a big day planned for ourselves which consisted of the Parliament House since we never made it there yesterday, War Memorial, hiking
up Mount Ainslie, and going to the markets. I had bought my return bus ticket
for 5 o’clock so that was our deadline, which we were determined to have
everything done by. Not that we weren’t going to enjoy ourselves, but we just
wanted to make up for our bus mistakes the day before. Bus after bus, we found
our way to the War Memorial since Mount Ainslie is behind it. The War Memorial
is huge, but we told ourselves we’d wait for the guided tour before we
explored. Mind you that it was probably about 50 degrees outside, with a pretty serious wind factor, and people were
still hiking in shorts and tank tops. I have no idea how they do it, since I
don’t think I could ever get used to this wind. Myriah had warned me that the
hike was pretty difficult since it was practically a straight shot up the
mountain. I didn’t think she could be that serious, but five minutes into the
hike I knew it was going to be a challenge. Especially since the wind was so
cold that we could barely catch our breath. We took mini breaks throughout the
way up to read the many signs and even do a little kangaroo spotting. We must have
looked like such tourists to the other hikers.
Glad Myriah spotted them! |
The view at the top of
Mount Ainslie was just as gorgeous as Myriah had described it. We could
literally see everything in Canberra and point out places we had been. The
trees were all still lots of colors which reminded me of the mountains of North
Carolina in the Fall. I had no idea that Canberra was covered by so many
mountains, but it makes for good pictures.
The War Memorial straight across from the Parliament house. Reminds me of Washington, D. C. |
Myriah and I at the top of Mount Ainslie. GO NINERS! |
A present from the United States to Australia. Note the eagle on top. |
Canberra has everything that
a capitol city should I think; an eye tower, lake, war memorial, parliament
house, tall buildings, an university. I personally thought it was a cute little
town/city, much more under control than Sydney.
All of Canberra. The eye tower is over to the right. |
We easily made our way
down the mountain to the War Memorial and were able to join a tour. This was
Myriah’s third time to the War Memorial, but she thought the tour was worth it
for the first portion since they often told stories about the people on the
Outside view of the War Memorial. |
Poppies that lined the names of loved ones lost. A total of over 60,000 soldiers for Australia. |
The tomb of the
unknown soldier is what got most of my attention since it was absolutely
breathtaking. The whole enclosure is made out of six million tiles since all
the walls are covered with them, including the stained glass paintings. The
tomb itself was very simple and sacred, making the contrast even better.
Stained glass covered all the walls. |
Mosiac made out of individual tiles, absolutely amazing to see in person! |
The ceiling looked like I imagine the Sistine Chapel to look like. |
The tomb itself |
We had to depart from
the tour once we got inside since we had limited time left before we had to
catch a bus to make it to the Parliamont house for that tour. I knew that the
War Memorial was huge, but I had no idea how huge until I walked inside. There
were rooms upon rooms displaying artifacts and information from every war and
battle that Australian has fought in. Their displays are so life like that they
sometimes scared of into not looking at them. We barely stepped inside this
submarine/boat control room because the voices and graphics were so real.
A display made out of miniature soldiers. |
So life like its crazy! |
really enjoyed looking around to see Australian’s involvement in the wars, but
was kinda thankful when it was time to go since I can only take so much history
at one time. I definitely felt overwhelmed and would suggest giving this place
a whole day of exploration for those that love history and wars. We had mapped
out our next bus route and sat down at the proper bus stop to eat our packed
lunch. I think their bus stops are so cute since they are like tall half
igloos, all painted tan with oval windows on either side. I just like how all
the stops have these little huts so it’s an uniform way of recognizing a stop. We
successfully made it to the Parliament house with a little bit of confusion
about where the pedestrian path was. Let’s just say we made our own path. We
were on a mission to make that Parliament tour and I’m so glad we did because
we got to go into both the Senate and House of Representatives rooms which are
closed off to the public. The Australian system seems to be very similar to
ours except their Senate has twelve representatives from most of the six
states. I did learn something interested about their country’s crest though.
When Canberra was
established as the place for government affairs they wanted to create a crest.
They knew that their country was moving forward and wanted something to show
that thus why they chose the two animals – Emu and Kangaroo to represent the country because neither animal can move backwards. The kangaroo’s tail gets in the way
and the Emu’s joints in its legs will not allow that to happen. Another fun
fact – Canberra was created just to be Sydney’s capitol city since they
couldn’t decide between Melbourne and Sydney and wanted something in between.
Other than that, the Parliament house was a normal Parliament house with all
the leaders’ pictures and artifacts. The roof was quite the sight though with
these huge structure to hold up the Australian flag. It was said that they did
not want the Parliament house to be a hill since they wanted the common people
to feel that they were on the same level as the government, but I don’t think
that exactly happened. We were clearly on a hill with a great view of the War
Memorial and mountains behind us.
Since we had
successfully made it through the planned day with no interruptions we thought
we might as well kill the last two hours by exploring the markets. However, we
didn’t realize how long it would take us to get there and then catch a bus all
the back to her campus, so that left us with only about ten minutes to walk
through the markets. That was a little disappointing considering all the
walking we had to do to get there, but we figured we wouldn’t be doing anything
better with our little bit of time before my bus ride back to Sydney anyways. The
markets were cute and had a lot of neat stuff. They were also much calmer than
the Sydney markets so that was a nice change. Plus, I was lucky enough to get a
ride to the bus station from Myriah’s friend Tayla. She didn’t want me to miss
the bus and needed a study break anyways. Sitting on the bus back to Sydney was
a nice relief since we had been worried that I wasn’t going to make it an hour
beforehand while sitting outside the markets. My visit to Canberra had been
everything I had hoped for and more. I was very happy to add yet another city
to my list of places I’ve visited and even better since it was the capitol
city. Hanging out with Myriah and her new friends definitely made the experience!
I don't even know what town this is!
Myriah and I had spent a few hours on Friday getting our
game plan ready for today so with our map, bus times, and packed lunch we set
out into Canberra. We were planning to catch a bus into the city and then get
on another one to get off at Parliament house, which was our first stop. Things
were going as planned until we realized we didn’t know which stop to get off at
and hit the button too late since the bus then zoomed into the next little town without any bus stops in between. We had absolutely no idea where we were,
but we had at least three maps of Canberra with us so we were determined to
figure it out! The hotel across the street got the best of us since we figured it'd be best to just ask for help since we were already behind schedule. The lady informed us that we were
closer to the Mint Museum, which was going to be our second stop of the day, so
it might be best to go ahead and go to that one first. She printed off another
two maps for us highlighting the route we would have to take, but she was unaware of the bus number to catch. She advised that we head a few streets
over to the bus exchange and figure it out there or give this one number a
call. We thanked her profusely and walked out the door but immediately forgot
which way to go out of the hotel driveway, since hotels are just confusing
anyways with lots of exits and entrances. We saw a bus stop on the other side
of the road from where we got dropped off and figured that would be a good
place to stop and ask a bus driver. As we were walking down the street a bus
started coming our way, and our first instinct was to try and out run it. We think the bus
driver felt bad for us, but unfortunately didn’t know the exact bus number to
catch and also advised that we go to the bus exchange in the city. We were
fiddling with our maps and figuring out what to do next when an Australian
walking by asked if we were alright. That’s their way of saying do you need
help? We explained our situation and said he would take us there if he had a
four seater car, but I was thankful he didn’t so we could avoid the awkward
situation of saying no. He told us the way to take to get to the bus exchange
and we were on our way. Walking through Canberra has been really nice since the
leaves are just starting to chang and fall leaving the streets all lined with
beautiful colors! The wind was a little bitterer than we liked, especially
since we hadn’t expected this type of weather in Australia, but it definitely
gave us the feeling of Fall and I kept waiting to make plans to carve pumpkins
or go to a corn maze. We made it to the bus exchange, talked with an officer to
figure out the right bus number and even picked up a weekend bus book which
listed all the buses that ran, their timetables and a map of the route. Myriah
really wished she would have had this all semester since she would have felt
more comfortable going out and exploring on her own. We had about a fifteen
minute layover but when the bus came the officer came over to tell the bus
driver our situation. He asked the driver to let us know where to get off since
he didn’t want us to get lost again. We were thankful that he stepped in since
the bus driver didn’t seem too thrilled about having to let us know. Within
minutes we were right in front of the Mint Museum and so thankful that things
had finally gone right. We were running late for the tour, but we figured we
could just wander around on our own anyways.
We ran into the tour about halfway through, but it didn’t
seem like much was going on especially since there weren’t even workers working
in the factory. This was actually a place where they did make money so it was
cool to see the machinery and a nice conveyor belt system with a pot of gold at
the end, literally, but it would have been even cooler to see the machines in
We seriously wanted to kiss that sign! |
They immediately put us to work. |
A staircase made of money! Who wouldn't want that? |
People say our penny is pointless, but Great Britain's was seriously smaller than my fingernail. |
I found this to be particularly interesting! |
With our handy dandy
weekend bus book we were able to figure out that getting on the bus right
outside the museum would take us all the way to the netball centre where
Myriah’s friend would be playing netball in about an hour. I had ridden past
the netball centre on Friday when I came into Canberra and had hoped that I’d
somehow be able to watch a game. Never thought that would come true, but I was
so excited to see an Australian game in action. We got there before Tayla,
which made us very proud that we had conquered the bus system. We had known
that the game would be outside and hadn’t really dressed accordingly, but we
sympathized for the players since their uniforms were skirts and a tank top.
That is the official uniform for netball since it is an all-girl sport, which I have mixed feelings about, especially since the skirts aren't exactly long and
many times we saw more of the players than we wanted to - even though they’re
supposed to wear black shorts underneath. The rules were a little confusing,
but basically once a person catches the ball they can only lift up one leg to
turn in circles and then throw the ball to another player. If the ball is
caught in the semi circle around the hoop then they get to have a shot at goal.
If a goal is scored then the game restarts itself. Players are not allowed to
touch each other at all and also have certain positions on their
jerseys that only allow them to go in certain sections of the court.
This is Tayla as a center throwing the ball to her teammate. |
A girl having a shot at the goal - notice there's no backboard! |
It was a fun game to watch especially since we had someone
to root for, but Tayla’s team did not come out on top unfortunately. She had a
game to ref afterwards so that meant extra netball time for us, but we were
almost frozen at this point meaning our interest in netball had quickly
decreased. Plus, the girls on the next teams weren’t as friendly and tried
giving Tayla a hard time about every call she made! This really got to Tayla since
she doesn’t like confrontation, but those girls were truly mean and annoying. I
guess that’s what you get from an all-girls sport. We were happy to be heading
back to campus and get warm but that wasn’t going to happen too quickly since
they don’t have central heating in their dorms. We had to head up to Myriah’s
room and turn on her wall heater, then wait about twenty minutes for it to
start to feel even remotely warm. We had planned on going out to dinner that
night in Civic, but I don’t think any of us were looking forward to going back
out in the cold; especially since you have to dress up if you want to get into
the pubs. Us girls decided that a skirt and tights would be the best option and
we were heading out the door a little past 7 o’clock after their friend, Chuck
from New York, came over. We all chowed down on burgers at Hogs Breath which
were absolutely delicious since they were soaked in barbeque sauce. This is
one of the raved about restaurants in Australia and I can definitely see why,
except for their decorations since the borders were surrounded with US license
plates. This reminded me more of a Logan’s or Texas Roadhouse, so it felt more
like we were at home. They caught me up on a few of their traveling stories and
what they had planned to do throughout the rest of their time here. Once the food
came though, we all feel silent to gobble up our burgers. We had been
starving by the time we left the dorms so dinner was long overdue. Next we
walked to one of the more popular pubs called the Uni Pub. We were a little out
of place since it was more of an older crowd that night, considering it was
only 9 o’clock and the others weren’t used to being out that early. We still
had a good time talking and listening to the awesome 80’s and 90’s music that
the DJ was playing. We also ran into some of their Australian friends, so I got
to meet them as well. We had thought about going to another popular pub so I
could see what that one was like as well, but they wouldn’t let us in with
their students cards since the numbers had been rubbed off. I think we were
fine with heading back home though since it was cold and we were exhausted from
all our travels throughout the day!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Sydney Flu
Thursday morning is the usual skype day for
Lauren and her family so I let her get caught up with them while I got ready
for the day and planned out what to do. We had talked about going easy on our
adventure day since Lauren had a big weekend ahead of her if she decided to go
visit her friend from UNCC who was also on exchange in the capitol city of
Canberra. I had originally thought about joining her but my school work and
final papers sneaked up on me and I just didn’t feel comfortable leaving since
I knew I wouldn’t get any work done throughout the weekend. First things first,
she had to buy her bus ticket which she did solemnly since they turned out to
be more expensive than she had originally thought. But she finally came to
terms with it after she realized we had gotten away with spending almost
nothing throughout the past few weekend trips – thanks to couchsurfing! Then we
were off to Bondi Junction which is the bus/train station near Bondi beach that
we had been to during our first week in Australia. We had noticed a huge
outside mall which we didn’t have time to explore the first go round so we
figured that would be a nice easy adventure for the day. Plus we knew where it
was already and just had to hop on a bus to get there. The mall was exactly what
we expected and had a few nice stores in them. We were even able to find
another bookstore with $5 books – never thought that would happen in Sydney! Of
course we were drawn to the cookbook section but nothing really popped out at
us. Unfortunately, my stomach started to bother me so I wasn’t in much of a
shopping mood but thankfully neither was Lauren. Plus we had to get back to the
city a little bit early since we were meeting up with a lady. While browsing on
the internet the night before Lauren was able to find a deal for some IMAX
tickets on the gumtree site, which is the equivalent of our craigslist. Don't
worry, we met up with her in the middle of the city on a busy street, so it
wasn't any shady deal. We don't exactly know what movie we're going to watch
with the tickets but we knew we had to at least watch one movie at this IMAX
theater since it’s the biggest in the world! Then it was a quick dinner before
we headed off to the usual spot in Newtown for trivia night. We actually beat
Neill there for the first time ever. While walking into the pub Neill had
struck up conversation with an older gentleman who claimed he would be playing
trivia on his own and wanted to know if Neill had a group of people. Of course
we said he could join our team since the more diversity a team has the better
they do. There was a crossword puzzle for 10 extra points that had the theme of
song names with colors in them and he had almost filled up the whole sheet
already. We figured with his help we would do really good this time around.
Things were really starting to look in our favor since we answered all but two
questions confidently in the first round. I even made it past the first round
of heads or tails which rarely happens! We were in the middle of the pack after
the first round and determined to make it out on top. However, a few questions
in the second round were near impossible for us to answer and we ended up not
placing. I couldn’t believe it since we only missed a a total of about five
questions and only left two song names blank on the crossword puzzle. We still
don’t know if other teams cheat but that was the best we had ever done and we
still didn’t place. Halfway through trivia I started to feel nauseous and had
to run off to the bathrooms a few times. I barely made it back to have another
shot at the airplane throwing contest. I am convinced that I suffered from the
Sydney Flu that night, or some branch of it. We had to take it easy on the walk
back in fear that my stomach might act up again. Lauren still had to pack for
her weekend in Canberra, but she made sure to take care of me and even picked
up ginger ale and crackers. I basically slept the night away and began to
slowly feel better.
1 down, 2 to go
Once again the morning got away from us and we were rushing
to make it to class in time. I started the last section of my Creative Arts
class today - media arts. I thought I knew where the classroom was but when I
arrived there was a sign on the door saying that it was on the 6th
floor in a room which I didn’t know. So I walked in a little late, but had
found more classmates along the way so at least I wasn’t alone. We briefly went
over media arts and did a few ice breakers exercises to get us thinking more in
the technology sense. We were told that we were going to partner up and go
around campus to take pictures of our favorite places. When asked if everyone
had a camera on their phone I was the only one that raised their hand - shocking
I know. But, being the only international student in the class I should have
expected that. We had to partner up anyways so I was in good shape and chose to
take a picture of the gorgeous courtyard in the middle of the Quad and the huge
tree with a circle bench all the way around it that it is front of the library
and also where Riley and I often eat lunch together. It was nice to talk and
walk with a girl from my class that I often had small talk with. Although I was
done with my classes for the day, Riley had to power through three more
classes, along with turning in his first final paper. We spent our break
looking over his paper until we were confident that it would suite what the
lecturer wanted. I know that he was happy to just be able to turn in one of his
papers and get it checked off his list of assignments. I had to get working on
my paper for the Australian Sport Learning class. The night before we had
suffered through the documentary of the Bra Boys that went through the forming
of the ‘gang’ in Maroubra Beach. Our teacher had often joked that we better not
run into any of these boys while on the beach but I didn’t find them too
intimidating; they were basically just a surfing brotherhood. The only issue
they caused was being too territory about their beach and fighting other
surfers that wanted to claim it as their own. A lot of fights brought out and
boys were arrested, but now they focus more on the surfing. There were clips of
some boys surfing massive, low hanging waves off the coast of Hawaii which was
amazing, yet terrifying at the same time. We were supposed to work that
documentary into our paper somehow, along with four other sources so it was
quite the task. But the topic was all about Sydney beach culture and we had a
lot of experience with that so it wasn’t as hard as I had expected once I got
into writing it. I was able to get most of it done while Riley hopped in and
out of class which was a relief. After dinner and more homework I had a skype session with a girl from UNCC to talk about our upcoming exchange trip to Germany in the Fall. I had been accepted to go on this faculty led trip for two months but since I'm halfway across the world I haven't been able to attend the meetings. Emily was just catching me up on the stuff I had missed, but really it had just been general study abroad information that I had previously sat through before coming here. Talking to Emily made me very excited for the upcoming Fall and what we had in store for us especially after she said that most of the girls were planning to go to Paris for the first weekend trip!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Everytime we pass we’re still going to think their just as cute!
We took our morning easy and enjoyed breakfast which
consisted of one of Laurens hearty, delicious omelets. We planned to go to
Madame Taussad’s Wax Museum on Darling Harbor as it was part of the ticket
package that we bought. Since we were in no rush today, we didn’t make it out
of the door until a little after noon, but we zoomed to the wax museum because
we were both excited to see all of the famous people! Before we made it to the
museum, we decided to have a lunch on the boardwalk lining Darling Harbor.
While eating, we both noticed a couple fishes that were swimming right below
the boardwalk, so we decided to start feeding them. Next thing we knew we were feeding
a whole school of fish! It was actually really cool to see so many fish so
close to people. Soon, we made it to Madame Taussad’s with our tickets in hand,
but no ticket booth to take our tickets. We went passed the main desk and
thought that we got into the museum for free, but just around the corner there
was another booth that was ready to take our tickets. I guess we couldn’t get that
lucky! Since we took a lot of pictures, we figured those should do the talking!
Note that Riley is the best person ever at being photographed!
President Breindel! |
Prime Minister Julia Gillard |
Queen Elizabeth |
Obviously I'm not a race car driver! |
Apparently he is so dreamy ;) |
Tough Girl face! |
Needless to say we were both excited! |
Couldn't resist |
Lauren's so called 'kick' ;) |
All in the hips |
Lauren man-handling the crocodile... |
me getting mauled by the crocodile. |
No, I was not on anything in this picture. |
The wax museum was truly an amazing time and the statues are
so life like that it was unbelievable.
Since we had trivia tonight at the Royal Hotel, we decided to head back, prepare
dinner and change into some warmer clothes. When we arrived at the Royal Hotel,
we knew the night wasn’t going to be the greatest since the host was sick and
said, “Yea, I’m sick. Let’s go ahead and get this done so I can go back to bed”.
He was such a crowd pleaser. The trivia at the royal hotel was rather difficult
because Neill didn’t even know most of the question. By half time, we were
close to dead last so we decided that we would do better the second half. Turns
out, like you could have guessed, the question got harder and we barley scored
anymore points. At the end, we decided to leave since we knew we weren’t going
to be anywhere close to the top. We headed back in the crisp cold where we soon
made it back to our warm places.
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