Wednesday, May 8, 2013

40 Minute wait.

Monday was originally going to be a relax day to recoup from our weekend adventures but things got a little mixed around once we checked our email. We actually had a lecture from Friday rescheduled to Monday at 4 pm. Lauren already had another lecture at this time, as did I, but I have the option of going to either of the two Anthropology lectures on Mondays, so I chose the earlier one in order to make it to the make-up lecture. I figured one of us should go since the professor was going to go over the final paper and requirements to finish the class. That’s right, two of our classes have officially ended and we just have to finish up the final papers and blogs! It’ll feel great to get all of that out of the way and only go to school on Mondays and Wednesdays from now on! That will hopefully mean some serious traveling for us. So our Monday consisted of mainly school work and going to lectures, just like any other Monday. We even motivated ourselves to head back to the campus after dinner to get more work done on our final blog for our Outdoor Education class. Mainly we just have to write a 3000 word reflection on our Blue Mountains weekend, including certain criteria of course. But we’re not too worried about that professor’s grading, so we haven’t stressed over it.

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