Monday, May 27, 2013

Mark this down in the history books

With nothing do to on a Saturday, and with the weather being perfect, we decided that today would be the day that we ventured off to the famous Luna Park. We got ready and debated many ways of which we could get there – ferry, train, bus – but we decided that we would walk to day, which meant we would be walking across the Sydney Harbor Bridge! This has been something that has been on our Sydney bucket list for a while, so we were more than happy to finally be able to mark it off.  So it was off to Circular Quay, where we would start our hike across the bridge. We cheated a little and took the free bus to Circular Quay, but nonetheless we made it there. Our next goal to conquer was one we thought would be easy – How do we get on the bridge? Well, let me tell you, it is a lot harder than you may think since the streets leading up to the bridge are as swirly as a maze! Yet, we finally made it to the footpath that would take us across the bridge. We also found out the place where we had to meet up at to do the actual bridge climb. As we made our way across the bridge, Laruen was very eager to see what was over the edge, but the walls were a little too high so she couldn’t quite see; it was rather cute. When we finally made it to the main part of the bridge, there was a fence that gave us the view of everything! If you’re asking, yes, we did get pictures of the Opera House from our point of view!

We finally made it across the bridge, only to be greeted by a bunch of people trying to sell us things. Obviously it was market day on the other side of the bridge! I walked up to the first table where a guy was selling ‘sharp steak knives’ and he asked to see my finger, I said no and just walked away after that. They were also selling a bunch of food, but we decided not to get any since our main goal was to find Luna Park. After passing a couple more stalls, we finally found the main street again which led us straight to the scary entrance of Luna Park!

And if you think that is scary, go ahead and Google Luna Park to see what the original sign looked like! We made our way through the mouth of the guy to finally see what Luna Park looked like. Let’s just say it’s not very big, since it basically consists of one road that only had a couple of rides. We did manage to find the bumper cars though, and bumper cars here compared to America are ten times different. The Australian version consists of cars going around a track, counter-clockwise in an orderly manner while the American version consists of every man for themselves. We also managed to see the oldest part of Luna Park which is Coney Island. They still had the original slides that had been there when the park opened in 1935! We saw a couple more rides before we decided to have lunch shore side. It was really peaceful to just sit and listen to the wave’s crash against the rocks. After lunch, we decided that we had seen pretty much all of Luna Park’s one strip of road, so we wanted to check out the gift shop before we left. The gift shop was pretty scary as well considering all the stuffed dolls they had! After the gift shop, we made our way back since we had church later on that night. We passed the markets as they were closing down, so we decided to take a look. Lauren found a couple tops that she is looking forward to wearing once she gets back to the US. Soon, we were heading back across the bridge to catch the 555 free bus to make it to church. Just in the nick of time, we made it just before service started! It was nice to go back to church since it had been a while since the last time we had been! Although church was nice, we were excited to head back because it was board game night with Neill! It had also been a while since we played board games with Neill, but we were more than ready to play again! Since he has a lot of board games, we decided to play a new one: 7 Wonders à ranked #1 board game of 2010. It was a tough game to grasp in the beginning, but once we got the hang of it, it was easy peasy! It was a really intense game that involved quite a bit of strategy! We were able to play it twice (I surprisingly won the 2nd game!) before we had to head back to our places for dinner. It was going to be another good dinner night since we were having chicken parmesan again!

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