Monday, May 27, 2013

We really hit the jack pot that time!

We haven’t seen our one friend Molly in quite some time, but we were determined to finally hang out again and today was the day. We were planning to meet up at Paddy’s Markets since she hasn’t been bad since we showed her the first time. The meet up time kept changing but eventually we were in the same vicinity without really knowing where each other were. Choosing to meet up at the markets was a bad idea since the place is always packed on Sundays! That being said we got the fruits and veggies that we needed and got out of there. Molly had the idea of finally finding where China Town was so we followed along. We had seen a statue or rather an archway that looked like it belonged in ChinaTown and turns out we had been right. We just hadn’t noticed when we went by because we were looking for cheap little shop, but really this China Town just consists of food. We were a little disappointed by this, but now we can at least say we know where China Town is. We had gotten eggs at the market and didn’t want to bring those to the beach with us so we had to back track and drop those off before we headed off to Maroubra Beach. It was trash day Sunday and we were hoping to find some cool new treasures, so our hopes were high. We jumped off the bus once we saw water and were amazed to see our first patch of surfers! The waves were the biggest we had ever seen, even from the first time when it was windy as can be!

Okay, so those weren’t actually the waves we saw, but that’s what it looked like to us! We were definitely content with watching the surfers, but we also knew that we were on a mission. We walked through a few neighborhoods but didn’t see anything interesting and realized that we probably got really lucky the first time that we came to Maroubra. Plus, I think we were both worried about running into a bunch of Bra Boys after watching the documentary – yes, Australia used to have gangs too. We figured we’d have more fun watching the surfers so we headed back to catch a good show and eat some shelled peanuts. There were a few good surfers out there that weren’t afraid to get up and ride a few waves, but it seemed like the majority were just there to wade in the water. Once it got dark we caught the bus back to change before we went to Neill’s again for another game night. Usually Neill likes to relax on Sundays but he had agreed to play with us since he probably missed playing as much as we did. We started off by playing another round of 7 Wonders, but this time with the extension. Neill got really lucky and got the most powerful city card so he dominated that game. He even had the courage to try and tell Riley that he had messed up on counting the night before and might not have actually won since Neill had taken a picture of the game after we finished. Riley and I thought this was hilarious since Neill usually boasts about how he never loses – maybe he’s a sore loser!  ;) We all started to trash talk each other after that, but didn’t matter once Neill started his domination. We also played two games of Cluedo, one of which that Lauren won! This was obviously our lucky weekend. But we had to cut the night short since none of us had eaten dinner and our stomachs were growling. Of course we picked the one thing that took the longest to cook – snags. That just meant they were that much more delicious when we finally ate them though! 

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