Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thank you P1

Laundry has been a continuous process for us throughout the past few days but we wanted to go ahead and knock out the last few loads so could not forgot about laundry for a couple of weeks. Riley was also in the cleaning mood, meaning he wanted to get rid of unneeded stuff – AKA our razor scooter. We had bought the scooter a while back to go hand in hand with the bike, but after two trips down to IKEA Tempe the back wheel had gotten busted. Not mentioning any names, but someone had ran over a pretty big rock which left a small crack in the rubber and then decided to slam on the brake a little too hard making chunks of rubber come off the wheel. We thought it would be fine to ride, but it really isn’t too pleasant going up and down on a scooter that’s supposed to be a smooth ride. Obviously we weren’t going to bring it back to the United States, or use it anymore while we were here so it had to go. I had hoped that we could just put it on gumtree for free to give to a family in need but then we realized that a screw had come off and we wouldn’t want a little kid to get hurt by using it. We ventured down to the ground floor of the apartment complex but right when we stepped into the elevator and tried to swipe our card we realized we didn’t have the card since Riley didn’t have his wallet. We frantically tried pushing the open button but nothing happened! What type of elevator doesn’t open whenever you push the open button?! I thought for sure we were doomed and we were, but luckily neither of us is claustrophobic. We tried everything: banging on the door, hitting all the buttons and even going down to the 2nd floor and going up the fire exit to bang on the 3rd floor door. But because we didn’t have the swipe key we couldn’t get back up to the 3rd floor without someone having the proper key to hit the 3rd floor button. There are seriously so many fire hazards in this place since even the fire hazard doors are locked to every floor, meaning we could even get locked in there if we didn’t put something in the doorway! In the end we decided it would just be best to wait in the elevator to ride it up and down until it stopped at the 3rd floor. This proved to be a great idea because within five minutes we were able to safely step out of the elevator for good! Well not really since we just grabbed Riley’s wallet and proceeded to do what we had originally planned on doing 45 minutes ago – throw away the scooter. Whenever we stepped onto the basement of the building this is what we saw!

We both thought this was hilarious and perfect description of our life here. People obviously do not read signs or obey them. We barely thought it was trash though, rather just stuff people didn’t want anymore and were able to find a nice wooden chair to go with a dresser that we had found and made into a desk. We thought it was a great find! The day was once again rainy and cold so I didn’t really want to go out and do anything but rather just wanted to just stay in bed. I had woken up early to skype with my family again so I had to catch up on some sleep, even though I really wasn’t all that tired. I think I just felt like being lazy since the weather wasn’t cooperating. We easily accomplished that since we barely did anything until we went off to play board games again with Neill. This time we switched it up a little playing a team game of pandemic. In this game we’re all on the same time and have to work together to cure the world from diseases. We lost the first game, but by the second round we were pros at it! I’m really looking forward to hopefully playing these games with my family in the future! We also played Dominion and lost track of time so we couldn’t end the night with a round of Cluedo. Riley didn’t mind though since it meant he was able to hang on to his winner status! We headed back to relax and watch the movie Rio which I have wanted Riley to watch for some time now since his love for birds has dramatically increased while we’ve been here in Australia!

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